Is Your Back Pain Out of Control?  
An Epidural is an injection of steroid or painkillers into the Epidural space of the spine. These can be done to your neck or low-back. When you think of an Epidural you most commonly think of pregnancy and labor pains. Epidurals for low back pain are similar, the needle is place in about the same location, the drugs injected are different. After injections to the low back or neck the medication spreads out and covers the nerve roots. You may have a sensation of pressure, which is our most frequently asked question following an Epidural.

You can expect it be in our office for approximately 1-2 hours. You will be fully awake for the procedure. However, if you find that you have a great deal of anxiety prior to the procedure we can often prescribe something for you to take shortly before coming in on procedure day. Afraid of needles? Don't worry, we've got you covered. If you have needle anxiety we can help you. The actual procedure only takes 10-15 minutes.

We ask that you bring a driver with you to your visit. Other than that you may eat, drink and do normal activities. We advise you to rest for the remainder of the day and not to do too much. This is difficult as many people often have a great deal of pain relief fairly quickly. We do ask that you do not return to work for 24 hours as bending, lifting and twisting is not in your best interest during this time.

Epidurals are performed at our West Chester location by our specialist Dr. Lee, pain fellowed physician.

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 Epidurals  |  Radiofrequency  |  Injections

7862 Kingland Drive Suite 201-e West Chester, Ohio 45069
Phone: (513) 755-7888 Fax: (513) 766-7400
Copyright (c) 2009 West Chester Pain Management. All rights reserved.