Pain Center, LLC
Formerly "West Chester Pain Management"

Our Mission

Pain Center offers a full range of treatments for acute and chronic pain management. We focus on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with difficult or progressive spinal pain, and work with our patients to achieve maximum pain relief.
Pain Center can provide patients with an individual program of integrated pain management therapy, drawing on our expertise and the wide range of treatments available.

Pain management involves finding the cause of your pain and taking care of it and not just treating your symptoms.

Effective Pain Management begins with an accurate diagnosis of the pain generator.    A lot of patients think they have tried everything.

That's why your first visit to our office will consist of our doctor taking the time to listen to you about your problem and then examining you to find the cause of your pain.  Most of our patients are shocked to learn that there are other treatment options that they haven't heard of or tried.

Incoming patients receive a detailed clinical assessment combined with their history and exam findings. Additional testing will be ordered if needed to provide the most appropriate treatment for the patient.   If we order Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) we want to review it in person with you.   We want to take the time to show you where your problems are.  These components will then be correlated to best create your detailed treatment plan.

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  Epidurals  |  Radiofrequency  |  Injections

7862 Kingland Drive Suite 201-E West Chester, Ohio 45069
Phone: (513) 755-7888 Fax: (513) 766-7400
Copyright (c) 2009 West Chester Pain Management. All rights reserved.