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              At the age of 25, I was working at what I thought would be my last job ever. On December 3rd, 2003 my life was changed forever. My back went out and it was the worst pain I had ever felt. After a visit to the Emergency Room I was referred to a "specialist". The "specialist" then sent me to get a MRI; after getting the results back I was told I had degenerative disc disease, two discs with signs of bulging, one herniated disc, and a bone spur.  After deciding to have surgery in February of 2004 and doing all the physical therapy I was still in the same pain as before the operation. The "specialist" returned me to work after the most painful month ever.  I called around to find someone to help me. After talking to several doctors and being turned away I was lucky to find The Pain Centers of The Back and Spine Center of West Chester & West Chester Pain Management. Firstly, they are the only group of health care people that treat the patient like a real person.  I've been a patient there since 2004 and recommend this group to all my friends and family.
After trying many, many procedures with little to no relief, they never gave up on helping me. We decided to try the Spinal Cord Simulator. This is coming from the bottom of my heart not only does it relive ALL my leg pain it has been the only thing to give any relief to my back. So if you are in the same boat that I am please at least do the trial. It can help you more than you would ever image. Since my implant and the healing process I am able to play with my Pit bulls, my niece, and help my wife out with some of the house chores. Now this is not a cure all by any means but it has improved my life at least 90%. I would recommend this to anyone suffering from chronic back and or leg pains or at least consulting with the doctors about your pain.

Thank You, Jason Park

           When I injured my back my entire back was in pain.  I could barely walk in the office (Pain Centers).  After my exam I was put on a schedule of physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic adjustments and medication management.  Within two months the muscles in my back relaxed.  I regained strength in my legs.  The doctors and staff are friendly and personable.  I wouldn't go anywhere else.

Julia Jordan

7862 Kingland Drive Suite 201-E  West Chester, Ohio 45069
Phone: (513) 755-7888 Fax: (513) 766-7400
Copyright (c) 2009 West Chester Pain Management. All rights reserved.